
Monster Mash XR

Monster Mash 2049 was an XR project I directed based on an original concept by my classmate, Phoenix Hunt. We did two versions of the same shot: one on the XR stage with a live actor (me) and one with miniature models.

Our team (Phoenix Hunt, Cecil Leuzinger, Leo Mancini) were new to both film production and the Unreal Engine virtual production pipeline so we had to learn a lot for this project.

We only had a few hours to shoot on the XR stage so, in order to get an idea of how our Unreal background would look with real props, we built a miniature set and displayed our Unreal scene on a flatscreen TV behind it!

There were also some technical skills we had to pick up. I had learn character rigging and animation in Maya to make our monster move. I also had to learn Nuke for additional compositing on the two shots you see here.


Monster Mash Miniature